
Charity: American Youth Table Tennis:  

We are actively involved with a growing New York City Table Tennis Charity, called American Youth Table Tennis. Our vision is to help AYTTO grow within New York City and beyond into other urban areas.  

AYTTO, founded in 2001, works directly with school systems and establishes partnerships with officials, principals, and after-school instructors. In 2020, before COVID, we operated and helped coordinate programs in over 100 New York City Schools. We are responsible for organizing and running high school, middle school and elementary school leagues. We are excited about AYTTO's future! 


  • Raised over 2 million dollars from within the table tennis community for inner-city youth table tennis programs; 
  • Serve over 2,000 schoolchildren annually; 
  • Organized structured after school teachings; 
  • Helped establish Table Tennis as an official varsity sport within New York City High Schools; 
  • Hire and Pay over 15 coaches annually to run programs. 

If you are interested in what we do and TableTennisStore's involvement, please contact us at

Email:  / 914-873-0075

If you are a teacher, coach, or school administrator, please contact us separately; we know what table tennis equipment is best for schools and community centers. 

If you are interested in donating your used equipment, please send it to:

TableTennisStore /
CO AYTTO, PO Box 155, I
Irvington NY, 10533

Include a cover letter and itemized list
AYTTO will send a tax letter back that you can use as a deduction